Firstly and most importantly, if you want to save money fast on your energy bills, don’t get boondoggled by alarmist advertising telling you to replace your windows! It takes years, if not decades to recapture the money you spend on new windows and their installation. Installing efficient windows to save money Energy Star windows are estimated to lower energy consumption by 7-15% for a typical 3-bedroom home in the United States. […]
This article discusses the Energy Efficient Home Windows Tax Credits and provides information on how to take advantage of it. If you are in the market for new windows, call us today for a quote and take advantage of this tax credit. Welcome to summer in Nevada! You’re already eyeballing the thermometer like it was an old-time wristwatch or your Facebook notification alert. You can’t help but constantly hope to see […]
Energy is a mysteryAs best I recall, according to my high school physics teacher, energy can neither be created or destroyed. The total amount of energy in the universe remains the same. A constant factor. It can be changed into different forms, such as potential energy into kinetic or chemical into electrical. Parts about it still remain a mystery to me. But one thing is for sure, today you can save […]